- 21/12/2023
As in magyske kaam telâne komt by de behelpsume kapperssoan Bartele, groeit net allinnich it hier fan de klanten, mar ek de habsucht fan syn heit flugger ta in tsjoenares Bartele te help sjit. Bartle is in jonge dy 't altyd en oeral allerhanne guod fynt en yn 'e bûse stoppet. Hy hat al in hiele samling objekten ûnder syn bêd. Thús fine se syn fynsten mar smoarge rotsoai. Mar dêr lûkt Bartle him neat fan oan. Mei elke fynst giet der in magyske wrâld iepen dy 't Bartle én syn famylje folslein yn 'e besnijing hâldt. Bartele Bûse - De kaam fan Juffer Lize is it earste part fan in searje koarte films dy 't basearre binne op it Europeesk bekroande Fryske berneboek Bartele Bûse. When a magical comb falls into the hands of the helpful barber's son Bartele, not only does the hair of his customers grow, but also his father's greed accelerates, until a witch comes to Bartele's aid. Bartele is a boy who always and everywhere finds all sorts of items and stashes them in his trouser pocket (bûse). He has amassed a whole collection of objects under his bed. At home, they consider his finds to be nothing more than dirty junk. But Bartele pays no mind to this. With every discovery, a magical world unfolds that completely captivates both Bartele and his family. Bartele Bûse - The Comb of Miss Lize is the first part of a series of short films based on the European award-winning Frisian children's book Bartele Bûse.